Rodrigo Diaz


I am a PhD student at the Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London, working under the supervision of Professor Mark Sandler. My current research focuses on the simulation and synthesis of drums and string instruments using neural networks.

My academic and research interests span a wide range of topics. In audio, I have worked on neural synthesis, embedded AI, and spatial audio systems. In graphics, I have focused on 3D reconstruction, VR/AR applications, image and mesh processing and differentiable rendering.

Before starting my PhD, I worked as a researcher at the Fraunhofer HHI Institute in Berlin, where I specialized in volumetric reconstruction from images. I hold a Master’s degree in Media Arts and Design from Bauhaus University in Weimar and a Bachelor’s degree in Music from Texas Christian University.

As a violinist and composer, my electroacoustic compositions and computer music software have been featured at festivals across Europe and the Americas. Additionally, I have extensive experience working with spatial audio techniques like WFS, VBAP, and Ambisonics, which have been integral to my efforts in creating immersive auditory experiences.

I am open to collaborations and new opportunities. Feel free to reach out: